PIC/ MCC simulation of the plasma dynamics in nitrogen glow discharge 氮气辉光放电等离子体过程的PIC/MCC模拟
Correlation between the plasma histamine and cate-cholamine concentrations and the changes of hemo-dynamics and microcirculation during endotoxin shock in dogs 内毒索性休克时血浆组胺、儿茶酚胺的含量与血液动力学和微循环变化的关系
OBJECTIVE To explore the influence of compound Armillaria Mellea tablets on plasma NO and ET, cerebral blood flow dynamics and cognitive function of patients with CCCI. 目的:探讨复方天麻蜜环糖肽片对慢性脑供血不足(CCCI)患者血浆一氧化氮(NO)和内皮素(ET)含量、脑血流动力学及认知功能的影响。
Objective: To explore the effects of plasma vasoactive intestinal peptide ( VIP) on the esophageal dynamics in patients with irri ˉ table bowel syndrome ( IBS). 目的:探讨血浆VIP对肠易激综合征(IBS)患者食管动力的影响。
Therefore, the technology of molecule beam has important appliance to molecule physics 、 gas laser dynamics 、 plasma physics 、 chemistry reaction dynamics 、 of course, to space physics 、 globe physics and biology. 所以分子束技术在原子物理、分子物理以及气体激光动力学、等离子体物理、化学反应动力学,甚至在空间物理、天体物理、生物学中都有重要应用。
The investigation of polymer surface dynamics modified by plasma by using dynamics contact angle method 等离子体改性聚合物表面动力学的动态接触角法研究
The article discusses the use of parallel Mach probe to measure plasma flow velocity in deposit room of depositing diamond film device and the use of the fluid dynamics of Hutchinson to analyze the data. 主要叙述了在金刚石镀膜装置中,利用平行马赫探针测量了沉积室中的等离子体漂移速度,采用了Hutchinson的流体力学模型分析了数据。
Combined the surface plasma resonance phenomenon and the appropriate chemical sensitive reagents, people construction one kind of SPR sensor which can used for immunization analysis research and reaction dynamics of large molecules of proteins and other biological measurements. 人们将表面等离子体子共振现象与适当的化学敏感试剂相结合构造了用于免疫分析,反应动力学过程研究和蛋白质等生物大分子测定的SPR传感器。
On the basis of fundamental equations of dust plasma, the influence of self gravitation or gravity of the dust particles on the macroscopic dynamics of dust plasma is investigated by using the nonequilibrium dynamical method. 从尘埃等离子体的基本方程出发,采用非平衡态动力学方法,研究了尘埃粒子的引力(重力)对尘埃等离子体宏观动力学的影响,具体分析了产生凝聚效应的条件及其相关性质。
Then starting from the relativistic Vlasov equation of the plasma dynamics, some analytical expressions for the beam-wave interaction have been derived. 从等离子体动力学中相对论性符拉索夫方程出发,导出了单能回旋电子束与上述高频场之间相互作用功率的解析表达式。
In this paper, the experimental data of the multi channel scanning probe for the experiment of the hypersonic plasma flows in the arc-heated tunnel are analysed by using method of the chaotic dynamics. 本文采用耗散系统的混沌动力学方法,分析处理了FD04电弧风洞超高速等离子体流场实验中多道扫描探针的实验数据。
It influences greatly the plasma wake-field acceleration, energy absorption, energy transport, the dynamics behaviors of electrons and ions, expansion of plasma, etc. 它对等离子体尾流加速、能量吸收、热输运、电子及离子的动力学行为、等离子体膨胀等多方面都有很大的影响。
The application of plasma technology to material surface modification is described. The principle of Si coating by PCVD and the related dynamics and thermodynamics are presented 重点介绍等离子体技术在材料领域中的表面改性,并论述了PCVD法涂Si的原理及动力学和热力学问题
Based on this device the experimental study of plasma diagnostics and sheath propagation dynamics were made by using Langmuir probe. 利用Langmuir探针测量方法对该系统进行了等离子体诊断和鞘层扩展动力学的实验研究。
A plasma wake flow field is studied by analyzing the saturated ionic current of multiple scanning probes with the method of chaos dynamics. 用混沌动力学方法对多道扫描静电探针的离子饱和电流信号进行分析,研究了等离子体尾迹流场。
Although there are many experiment methods to study the plasma production dynamics, the method by measuring the time-resolved emission spectrum of the plasma is well known as the most efficient research approach. 在实验研究中,虽然研究动力学过程的手段很多,但通过测定激光等离子体发射光谱的时间演化特性来研究其形成动力学,被公认为是最有效的研究手段。
Nonlinear Schrodinger equation ( NLSE) is one of most universal significance nonlinear model in modern science, which has been applied in many areas of physics, Bose-Einstein condensates ( BEC), plasma physics, nonlinear optics, fluid dynamics and so on. 非线性薛定愕方程是现代科学中最重要也是最普遍的非线性模型之一。在玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚、等离子物理、非线性光学、流体动力学等领域中有重要应用。